Thanks for taking the time in writing this email, we from WMZA appreciate your enthusiasm and support! I am very happy that our meeting went so well, and are looking forward to the meeting tomorrow. Isla asked me whether we can maybe have a quick Skype session today just to plan what we want to discuss tomorrow. I will be available from 16:30 until 17:30 for such discussion, should anyone else also be available in that timeslot.

Kind regards

From: maarten deneckere <>
Cc: Lourie Pieterse <>; Isla Haddow-Flood <>; Lodewijk <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 9:03 PM
Subject: WikiLovesMonuments SA

Hey all,

we had a very interesting chat this morning with the Director Western Cape, Andrew Hall. He was extremely interested in the WLM competition, and actually wanted to start right away.

Next Friday we have a follow meeting with other people from the Heritage organisation (other provinces, national level, ...). Things should really be moving then. Btw, you're invited to join this meeting in Cape Town.

Things discussed:
  • 24 September is Heritage day. We should do something special on this day (uploadmarathon, ...)
  • Three levels of Heritage Sites: National (about 15), Provincial (5000 in SA, of which 2500 in WC), and Municipal Heritage (15000, only in WC)
  • The government is working on a database with all the heritage, should be ready in July
Next meetings:
  • 23 March: follow up, meeting with other people
  • 12 April: meeting with the Counsil Executive Meeting (unsure if this is of the municipality, on national level, of Heritage WC, ..)
Conclusion: I think we're launched in SA :-)

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