Hello Tobias

This mail got lost somewhere in my mailbox. :( Thanks for the response. We will most probably sign it at the AGM next week in Cape Town. Any chance that you might be able to attend?

Kind regards

From: Tobias Schonwetter <tobiasschonwetter@gmail.com>
To: Lourie Pieterse <louriepieterse@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia ZA] Africa Centre MOU

Dear Lourie:

just a quick note. I looked at the MoU and it looks good. In fact I believe that is a very useful cooperation with much potential for the future - it  will also help streamlining processes between two very likeminded organisations. So yes, I do support it. 

Well done.


On 19 Aug 2012, at 21:29 PM, Lourie Pieterse <louriepieterse@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hello everyone

Africa Centre offered to help us out in various ways until we can stand on our own feet. This includes helping us with communication and marketing tasks, limited administrative support, temporary fiscal agency and so forth. All of this will be only for a limited time and will help us mostly during WLM. Please see the attached MOU and let us know whether there are any problems with this. Due to our board not having the required amount of directors, they cannot really decide for the chapter regarding this. It will also be unfair not to include the rest of the chapter members in such a decision. So please, get involved, even if you just say yes or no to the proposal.

Kind regards
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