Dear Wikipedians,

All Wikipeidians and members of Wikimeida ZA in South Africa are invited to attend this year's Wikimedia ZA Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2013.

This year's AGM will be held on Sunday the 1st of September at 10:00am for 10:30am.  It will be held in Cape Town at the Prestwich Place Memorial in Cape Town city bowl. 

It is located at the corner of Buitengracht St and Riebeek St, Cape Town and is just a short walk up Waterkant Street from Cape Town Central Train Station.  

The owners of Truth Coffee, which is located at the memorial, have agreed to give the first 10 people who arrive free broadband wi-fi Internet access for the day.

A range of important issues will be covered including:

The Wiki meetup scheduled for the same day and location will be held directly after the AGM.

If you are planning to attend then please RSVP me at

We look forward to seeing you at this year's meeting.

Best regards,

Wikimedia ZA board of directors.

P.S. I have attached an official letter of invitation to this email.

Douglas Ian Scott
Skype:  douglas0scott
South African mobile number: +27 (0)79 515 872