Hi Lourie,
Hello everyoneSee below my discussion with Johann regarding media coverage and potential judges. One of the topics discussed is whether we want a formal agreement with a media house such as Media24. Johann explained the pros and cons of such an agreement below. Please give me your thoughts so that we can decide on how to approach this, as we need to start to think about promoting our project in the media. Thanks!Kind regardsLourieTo: Johann Van Tonder (Naspers) <jvtond@media24.com>
Cc: Dumisani Ndubane <dumisanin@iburst.co.za>; Maarten Deneckere <maartendeneckere@gmail.com>; Isla Haddow-Flood <islahf@africacentre.net>; Douglas Scott <douglas.i.scott@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: WLM magazine feature and judges
Thanks for the rapid response. I understood that you are jut planning on moving to Franschhoek, but either way, I am happy to hear that you are close to Stellenbosch now.The introduction will be great. I am also happy to hear that there are some photographers that you have in mind. I now understand the concept behind media sponsorship much better, and your argument makes sense. I will discuss it will my fellow WLM organisers and come back to you.Kind regardsLourie
From: Johann Van Tonder (Naspers) <jvtond@media24.com>
To: Lourie Pieterse <louriepieterse@yahoo.com>
Cc: Dumisani Ndubane <dumisanin@iburst.co.za>; Maarten Deneckere <maartendeneckere@gmail.com>; Isla Haddow-Flood <islahf@africacentre.net>; Douglas Scott <douglas.i.scott@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 6:34 AM
Subject: RE: WLM magazine feature and judges
Hi Lourie,The email address still works as I’m still consulting for Naspers. As I told you I moved out to Franschhoek so I’m around the corner from you.Responses inline below.Regards,johannFrom: Lourie Pieterse [mailto:louriepieterse@yahoo.com]
Sent: 21 June 2012 09:53 PM
To: Johann Van Tonder (Naspers)
Cc: Dumisani Ndubane; Maarten Deneckere; Isla Haddow-Flood; Douglas Scott
Subject: WLM magazine feature and judgesHello JohannI hope that I am still able to reach you at this email address, as I read the other day that you are no longer working for Naspers. I would like to come back to you regarding our previous meeting. There are essentially four things we need to ask your help with, listed below:1) We are probably a little late to still get featured in Huisgenoot, You, and Drum, but I believe we should still give it a try. One can always be lucky! Do you maybe know someone at these magazines whom we can contact directly? A nice little introduction would be even better! :) This is one of those cases where I don't want to send an email to info@something.com and await two months to get referred to the right person. Otherwise, if you believe that we have waited too long, we can be better prepared next year.Go directly to the editor-in-chief, Izelle Venter: Izelle@media24.com. I can make an introduction over the weekend.2) You said that you know some professional photographers. Can you please put us in contact with them? It would be nice if we could have a preliminary list of potential judges and then ask for further nominations. That way there is a little less to stress about. We will make a plan later on how to only get the best images to the professionals.Yes, let me think about who would be the best to advise and I’ll let you know.3) I would also like to follow the idea up of asking certain publications, such as the daily papers, for specific sponsorships. For example the best shipwreck photo sponsored by Die Burger, or something like that. Can you also please put us in contact with people at these papers who would be best to contact? Are there any specific papers you think we should focus on?I suspect tiny misunderstanding here. I was talking about media sponsorship, which is a different concept. A media house, like Media24, then becomes your exclusive media partner and no other media will get the story. As I said later in the meeting, I don’t believe this is the best route for this project, because you want exactly the opposite - as much coverage from as wide a range of publications as possible.The best way to engage specific publications is to give them interesting stories and pictures, relevant to their specific readership segment. They use that as a news peg to publicise the event.4) We talked during the meeting about a media partnership with Naspers/Media24. Do you think this idea is still viable, and if so, what route should we follow to establish such a partnership? We must still discuss between ourselves whether we would like such a partnership, but it would be good if we know if advance how probably such as partnership is of being established.See above. I really don’t think it’s wise in this case. Apart from limiting your coverage, it’s not very “open” which is what wikipedia is all about...Thank you so much for your time, it is really appreciated! I don't know what we would have done without it.Kind regardsLourieThis email and its contents are subject to an email legal notice that can be viewed at: http://www.naspers.com/email/disclaimer.html Should you be unable to access the link provided, please email us for a copy at csc@optinet.netHierdie e-pos en sy inhoud is onderhewig aan 'n regskennisgewing oor elektroniese pos wat gelees kan word by http://www.naspers.com/epos/vrywaring.html 'n Afskrif kan aangevra word by csc@optinet.net