Hi Wiki-Americans,

I've been in touch with the WMF about grants for Wikipedia Day events in January (any day that month works), and I have confirmed the information shared on our WALRUS call that it is still possible to apply, but that the last day is December 1.


Application can be from $500-$2,000, and you can also use this opportunity to apply for two or three events that you might schedule throughout the year.


For most of you who are using Wikipedia Day for a social meetup or mini-conference, you should probably use this form:


As I mentioned before, this year we can also use a fundraising-style banner that advertises on the level of individual states and can potentially attract many more participants to your event.  This is considerably more powerful than geonotice, and would be suitable for a flagship annual event. 

For those looking for space for a larger event, you may want to reach out to a university or library partner. 

Let me know if you have any questions about your case, I'd be glad to help out anyone personally and share experiences and guidance.
