I like this draft.


On May 9, 2012, at 11:03 PM, Kirill Lokshin <kirill.lokshin@wikimediadc.org> wrote:

Hello everyone,

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I've been working on a draft for an "agreement in principle" regarding an overall strategy for Wikimedia chapters/groups in the US, with the intent to have a document that individual Wikimedians can sign at Wikimania this summer.

My working draft of the agreement is located at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Kirill_Lokshin/Sandbox.  The current text has recently been revised based on a number of suggestions I received yesterday at the US Wikimedians' IRC meeting.

As always, any comments or suggestions would be very appreciated!


Kirill Lokshin
Secretary | Wikimedia District of Columbia
http://wikimediadc.org | @wikimediadc

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