I would agree with Dominic; considering that most, if not all, of our regular participants will be at Wikimania, I think we can just discuss things in person this month.

On a more general note, while chatting with everyone on IRC is of course a fun experience, I haven't gotten the impression that our meetings are particularly productive; we seem to discuss more or less the same topics every month, without much actual progress to show for it.  I think it may be beneficial, therefore, to think about focusing on other discussion mechanisms (e.g. mailing lists, on-wiki discussions, etc.) that can increase our engagement with the wider Wikimedia community and allow longer and more conclusive discussions.

Kirill Lokshin
Secretary | Wikimedia District of Columbia
http://wikimediadc.org | @wikimediadc

On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Dominic McDevitt-Parks <mcdevitd@gmail.com> wrote:
We're already having a WALRUS meeting at Wikimania which will include many of the regular IRC meeting attendees. Maybe the WALRUS Congress should just be our regular meeting this month, and we'll make sure that people can tune-in and contribute remotely via etherpad? That means moving it up a few hours this month only, but there will be plenty of participation anyway.


On 25 June 2012 16:01, Pharos <pharosofalexandria@gmail.com> wrote:
I would like to propose that our next Wikimedia US / WALRUS meeting
will be Wednesday July 18, at 9pm Eastern Time / 6pm Pacific Time.

(Normally we would be scheduled for the second Wednesday of the month,
but I think it probably better to not conflict with Wikimania.)

The venue will be the #wikimedia-us channel on IRC, and if you're not
familiar with IRC, please just use this easy web client:


This is a venue for all Wiki-Americans to share our many diverse
experiences in local outreach and coordination, so please add your
ideas to the agenda:



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