Beyond OK with me!

On Thu, Mar 14, 2019, 10:19 AM Pharos <> wrote:
My fellow Wiki-Americans,

The WMF is seeking strategy liaisons both from individual affiliates and also from "regional collaboratives" (e.g. the Latin America and Eastern Europe meta-groups).

The WALRUS / US affiliates community is another important meta-group, and I thought it important that we be represented as well, as a legitimate part of the global community.

If people are ok with it, I would like to volunteer for this position, as I think I have some good connections with the different US chapters, usergroups, and informal meetups, and also have a pulse on the US community and its interests.

The deadline for picking liaisons is actually tomorrow, so would appreciate some feedback from fellow WALRUSes.  Also, note that all of the usergroups are entitled to designate a strategy liaison representing their individual group.

Thoughts, is it ok if I go ahead with this process?

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