In terms of this discussion about breaking down diversity barriers, we’ve had some limited success with the two events we have ran in Bristol recently: (March 19) (April 16)
A large number of women students etc attended the Academy (about half of the 20 present) and they came mainly from this group in the URL below: (you’ll notice they kindly publicised our AGM on the front page of their website)
We also saw one or two from the same group at the AGM – I believe they are now members of Wikimedia UK (so welcome if you are reading this)
I think we have a ‘regional opportunity’ to reach out and diversify our membership base here. I urge other Wikipedians to look for similar groups across the country and to go and talk to them about our work and invite them to collaborate on events together, as we undoubtedly hold a lot in common in terms of mutual interest.
PS: I am white and middle aged so am guilty as charged!!!
From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Keating
Sent: 20 April 2011 12:10
Subject: Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Hello from the new Board!
P.S. Diversity of the board?
There was a bit of a discussion on Twitter on Saturday about the fact that all the candidates were white middle-aged men.* The evidence suggests that most Wikimedians are men (70/30ish?). I had a look at the WMUK membership list to identify gender on the basis of first names and got the impression that the bias in our membership is a bit more skewed than that (85/15ish).
My view is that this is something we need to address - and in particular we need to make sure it doesn't become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Hopefully the work the Foundation is doing in this area will be helpful. Hopefully also the work we will do in the coming year will help us engage with a more diverse group of people. It's noticeable that the people we worked with at the CRUK workshop were mainly female and the gender balance at the GLAM-WIKI conference was fairly even if you ignored the Wikimedians.
More views would I'm sure be welcome...
*NB I am not middle-aged, but accept the overall point....