Many thanks to everyone who read and commented (in particular we received a number of comments in private).

We're now beginning to advertise, and more details will follow shortly.



On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 12:44 PM, Chris Keating <> wrote:
Dear all,

I've just posted our current draft of a revised Wikimedia UK Chief Executive job description for  and person specification on the chapter wiki.

Comments & suggestions from the community are welcome until 25 January 2015, after which this document will be finalised and we will start to advertise.

This draft has been produced by a Board working group (myself, Michael Maggs, Carol Campbell and Alastair McCapra) who will be handling the selection process.

The changes to the job description compared to the last time the post was advertised reflect the development of the organisation and its environment, so there are some differences of emphasis. We are also focusing the person specification more around competencies that someone will need to succeed in the job, and as a result have less "essential experience".

Do let us know what you think, preferably on the talk page - if anyone wants to give feedback in private please drop me a line via email and I'll pass on to the rest of the selection panel.

There will be more details on the selection timeline and community involvement in choosing the new Chief Exec in due course.


Chris Keating