Dear colleagues,
The first ‘Celtic Knot’
– Wikipedia Language Conference will take place 5 & 6 July 2017 at the University of Edinburgh in collaboration with Wikimedia UK.
Please save the date.
The event will focus on Celtic Languages and Indigenous Languages, showcasing innovative approaches to open education, open knowledge and open data that support and grow language communities.
“If you want to know what’s important to a culture, learn their language.” Joanne Harris
The call for ideas closes on
10th March 2017. Our vision is
for diverse participants working in Celtic and Indigenous languages
ranging from Wikimedians, educators, researchers, information professionals, linguists, translators, learning technologists and more coming together to share good practice and find fruitful new collaborations to support language communities as a result of the
At this time we are asking people to save the date, and suggest ideas (no longer than 100 words); showcasing the best of your work and linking in with your ideas & suggestions for
speakers and sessions. All presentations and discussions are encouraged to be as engaging and interactive as possible and facilitate learning and sharing by the attendees.
To find out more about the conference themes visit and the format of sessions please visit the
Celtic Knot page. Email your session proposal to indicating the session type by no later than Friday 10th March.
Please feel free to forward this event to interested colleagues in your network. If you would like to more then please contact me direct at
Very best regards,
Ewan McAndrew
Wikimedian in Residence
Tel: 07719 330076
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My working hours are 10.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday.
Wikipedia Project Page for the residency:
The University of Edinburgh, Floor H (West), Argyle House, 3 Lady Lawson Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DR.