Andy Mabbett

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Rosie Clarke" <>
Date: Sep 25, 2012 3:52 PM
Subject: Got objects / stories about political history? Take part in Parliament Week!
To: <>

<Apologies for cross-posting>

Dear all,

If your organisation has any collection objects or stories about
Parliamentarians, political protests, Reform, the Civil War, the Poor
Laws, Chartists, or any kind of social or political movement for change
... have you thought about taking part in Parliament Week
<> ?

It runs from 19v - 26 November, so now is the time to get registered for
this year's celebration, which is a growing, nation-wide event with a
high profile within Westminster.

It is supported by national media coverage and co-ordinated by the House
of Commons and the House of Lords - it has the simple aim of raising
awareness of democracy and democratic institutions in the UK.

We'd love to hear from anyone who has interesting stories, objects or
connections to political history in the UK - from copies of the Magna
Carta to the Occupy movement, via the English Civil War. If you have
anything in your collection about UK Parliament and Democracy now is the
time to shout about it.

Getting involved can mean doing something as simple as holding a brief
talk about something interesting in your collection, a short curator or
volunteer-led tour or discussion or giving a children's activity day a
democratic twist!

If you're interested and would like to talk to the friendly team at
Culture24 about what might be possible, email or
call 01273 623278.

To find out more, simply head to the Parliament Week website: and if you have an idea for an
event you can get started by following this link to the partner
registration form:

Finally if you need any help with ideas - just give us a call. It's
easier than you think to take advantage of this growing campaign.

Kind regards,

Rosie Clarke

Campaigns Officer, Culture24

Direct line: 01273 623336

Main office: 01273 623266
Follow: @MuseumsAtNight <>


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May 2013

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