Nothing very profound. It simply provides the legal framework via which the WMF allows WMUK to use its trademarks, including the puzzle globe logo. WMUK is allowed to use any of the WMF marks to advance its aims, including on merchandise and publications.
In practice, very little changes as that has been happening for several years already on an informal basis. But the parties have at last got round to formalising that use.
As mentioned in another thread, this still does not allow WMUK (or anyone else) to use the globe logo in conjunction with QRpedia codes. That is the subject of separate discussions which are ongoing at the moment and which will - I hope - result in the Foundation allowing GLAMs and other QRpedia code users to use the globe logo if and only if they sign a new Quick Licence. The terms such a licence have not yet been finalised by the WMF.
For the layman, what are the implications of this trademark agreement?
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