To be fair, Charles's message was quite well-worded. It essentially says: "If you're a regular, stop reading now and just turn up on the day as usual. If you definitely can't make it, also stop reading now. If you are new and unsure whether you'd come, then please click the link to find out!" Good for most people, I guess!

On Jan 17, 2012 10:58 AM, "Charles Matthews" <> wrote:
On 17 January 2012 09:57, Gordon Joly <> wrote:
> Really inviting for people who are attending for the first time?

Nitpick. It seems that everyone is a critic.

I actually took 5 hours and more off enWP editing on Sunday for
something else, as you can see from my contributions; and then needed
to get the meetup pages and templates done, communicate with Jon, and
worry about some things that are going on today also, before expanding
an article and going to bed. I'm not going to apologise for any of


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