Some of you may wish to comment on this draft, with regard to licensing, copytheft, access for photography, etc.

A formal WikimediaUK response may also be advisable.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Rebecca Atkinson" <>
Date: Jul 28, 2015 10:10 AM
Subject: [MCG] The MA is seeking comments on draft Code of Ethics
To: <>

Sent on behalf of Alistair Brown (with apologies for cross-posting):

The Museums Association has been working for over a year with museums professionals, sector bodies, volunteers and other interested parties to produce an updated Code of Ethics for the sector.

The last full update of the Code took place in 2002, while a partial update on financially motivated disposal took place in 2007.

Following a year of consultation activities and events, the MA has recently published a draft Code of Ethics for a further period of consultation with the sector.

We welcome any comments on this by Friday 7th August via the MA website:

Please do take the time to read the new code and offer constructive feedback.

Many thanks,

Rebecca Atkinson
