On 31 October 2011 20:42, geni <geniice@gmail.com> wrote:
On 31 October 2011 19:25, Charles Matthews
<charles.r.matthews@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> On 31 October 2011 17:19, Tim Dobson <lists@tdobson.net> wrote:
>> Just added my great grandfather, Max Plowman ("A Subletern on the
>> Somme") to the list. :D
> Interesting - I started the article about him in 2008. There was some spat
> over Plowman and Orwell's line on pacifism, so I've just looked at it and
> the ODNB version. Fairly different (and no Orwell at all in the ODNB,
> something about William Blake instead). Could be a fair amount of work to
> do, and there are redlinks, which I always like to see.
> Charles

In this case I think they are mostly minor artists who would be hard
to write articles on.

Oh, but Richard Heron Ward is namechecked in a footnote to [[John Hospers]]'s classic Introduction to Philosophical Analysis in relation to his early LSD trips. Drugs, pacifism, US libertarian, I don't understand why the article doesn't exist already.
