On 22/11/2007, David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com wrote:
I'm now getting desperate for someone to do this, because I *haven't a clue* about Wiktionary myself. In absolute desperation I could wing it if someone can point me at the relevant "how things work here" pages, but I'd rather not ... Wiktionarians outside the UK would be fine too, even by phone (preferably the highest-quality line available, e.g. ISDN or Skype, though landline would be tolerable). They need to record this afternoon or tomorrow morning. Help please!
OK. They've now delayed this particular show until later in the series. So the panic is off.
However, if there's someone who thinks they'd be good, it's still worth getting in touch - recording 20 min for use later is all they need, if you think you can represent us well.
(Someone suggested Ray Saintogne, but he thinks he really wouldn't be good for the task. Sigh!)
- d.