We are members of NCVO - if anyone is interested in this let me know.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alison Evans, NCVO <membersmail@ncvo-vol.org.uk>
Date: 5 March 2013 11:03
Subject: Members Photo Comp: the entries so far + free advice sheet/videos
To: jon.davies@wikimedia.org.uk

Competition closes 1 April, look at some of the entries so far, free advice
In partnership with PhotoVoice

Dear Jon

Our Members' Photography Competition 2013 is now in full swing and there's under a month to go until entries closes. Winners in each category will receive top of the range cameras and will have their photos exhibited at Evolve 2013.
We've received some fantastic entries so far - here's a slideshow of a selection.

Photos are a great way to demonstrate and publicise your work and the issues your service users face. PhotoVoice recently ran two training days to give members practical advice, and to help build their confidence and skills in the technical and ethical use of digital photography. A seven point guide and three free videos from the training are now available.
There's still plenty of time to get snapping so do send in an entry if you can. All the details you need are on the competition webpage.

Best wishes,

Alison Evans
Parliamentary and Media Team

*We've sent you this email because you are a member of NCVO. If you have any questions or comments about your NCVO membership or would like to unsubscribe to future emails, please let us know by emailing membersmail@ncvo-vol.org.uk

Jon Davies - Chief Executive Wikimedia UK.  Mobile (0044) 7803 505 169
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