Please find below an email from Mike Goodwin, the Wikimedia Foundation's General Counsel, to the Wikimedia chapters regarding on-going discussions on a new standard chapters agreement. He has agreed that we can share this information with chapter members.

This information may also be relevant to the members when considering Resolutions 6a and 7 to the AGM, which require the Directors to get a vote of the membership in favour before agreeing to any changes to the Chapter Agreement.


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Mike Godwin" <>
To: "Chapters Committee list" <>, "Local Chapters, board and officers coordination (closed subscription)" <>
Sent: Monday, 20 April, 2009 21:30:20 GMT +00:00 GMT Britain, Ireland, Portugal
Subject: [Internal-l] Update on Chapters Agreement revision

Dear Wikimedians,

As those of you who were at the meeting in Berlin will recall, I said I hoped to have a revised standard Chapters Agreement available for your review by today.  Thanks to the exceedingly useful feedback I received in Berlin about trademark issues and other considerations, that revision is taking a little longer than I expected.  The delay is in part due to the fact that we are having Stanford Law School review the revised Agreement -- the revision is comprehensive, and it deals with a lot more than just trademark issues.  The Stanford legal clinic has reviewed a range of chapter affiliation agreements from around the world, and the effort has been aimed at producing the best possible revised Agreement -- one that will, I hope, quickly gain consensus among Community members, Chapters, and other Wikimedian stakeholders.

I hope to have the revised agreement in front of you by the end of the month -- with luck, I'll have something to you before then.  Thank you for your patience -- although I imagine there will be discussion about particular aspects of the new revised Agreement, I also think it will be apparent to everyone how much work we put into making the Agreement a better one.

And, again, thank you for your feedback in Berlin and afterwards -- it has been immensely helpful to me in this process.


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