Congrats to those elected and re-elected! Many many thanks to Chris and Gill for their contributions :)

On Tue, 26 Jul 2016 at 14:44 Michael Maggs <> wrote:
I am very pleased to announce (somewhat belatedly - sorry) that at our annual general meeting on Saturday 9 July members of Wikimedia UK elected two new trustees to the board.

Please join me in offering a very warm welcome to Lorna Campbell and Jordan Landes.  Lorna is OER Liaison at Open Scotland, University of Edinburgh; Jordan is Research Librarian, Senate House Library, London.

Existing trustees Greyham Dawes (treasurer) and Josie Fraser were re-elected.

Two trustees have stepped down from the board: Chris Keating and Gill Hamilton.  We thank them for their exceptional expertise, commitment and diligence, and we wish them well for the future.

With these changes, the new board is as follows:

Michael Maggs (board chair, and chair of governance committee)
Carol Campbell (vice chair, chair of audit and risk committee, governance committee)
Greyham Dawes (treasurer, governance committee, audit and risk committee)
Kate West (governance committee, audit and risk committee)
Doug Taylor
Nick Poole
Nancy Bell
Josie Fraser
Lorna Campbell
Jordan Landes

The new board will formally meet for the first time on Saturday 10 September at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, where officer roles will be reviewed.

Please join me in welcoming the new board.

Michael Maggs
Chair, Wikimedia UK
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