Exactly. I believe that the board wanted to wait until the recommendations had been made before calling an EGM - hence the delay! At the last AGM, the membership voted for an EGM to be held before the 2013 AGM. That way, it can be used for both the vote on the board re-composition and the vote on the election rules.

All I'm after in this email thread, though, is volunteers for tellers... please don't forget that! 

Richard Symonds
Wikimedia UK
0207 065 0992

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On 15 February 2013 13:53, Katie Chan <ktc@ktchan.info> wrote:
On 15/02/2013 13:10, Andrew Turvey wrote:
EGM? Is this still planned given the governance recommendations?

I think it's actually finally being organised *because* of the governance recommendations.



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