Hi Rexxs, I use my watchlist and my home pc gets watchlist messages geotargetted to London and the south east. But I don't know what proportion of other editors use their watchlist, or what proportion have an ip address that we geocode to the right region. So yes I would suggest using talkpage messages as well. But i have no knowledge as to the proportion of Scottish editors whose IP geolocates to Scotland, and without knowing that you can't know how effective this might be.
Then of course there is the separate argument that a personal note on your talkpage is more, well personal.
On 16 Mar 2015 22:22, "rexx" <
rexx@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
Ally, the problem I foresee is that if your casual Scottish contributor doesn't see the notifications because he isn't logged in, he won't see your talk page messages (because he isn't logged in).
The low-tech solution is to collect email addresses of folks who are interested in meetups and make them into a mailing group - then send out a group email with the url of the signup page as soon as you know about a meetup.
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk