More to the point, as a community we do have a lot of events outside London. But London is where we have our office, our largest concentration of members and half our AGMs, so it will get a disproportionate proportion of our meetings. Some of that could easily be fixed, London meetups cost the community nothing  apart from the electrons required for a geonotice, and anyone is welcome to organise meetups elsewhere in the country - I think there are several cities that rarely if ever have meetups but which have millions of people within an hour or so's journey. I recently proposed that we shift from alternating the AGM between London and elsewhere to only holding it in London one AGM in three - if anyone is concerned at the proportion of meetups that are in London then that is the sort of practical step we could take. But shifting the office is a bigger job, and wherever the office is we will have spontaneous meetings taking place.


On 9 October 2012 09:13, Tom Morris <> wrote:
On Monday, 8 October 2012 at 17:15, rexx wrote:
> I think it's fairly symptomatic of the London-centricity of many people. What is relatively easy for those living in the City to do is probably a three-hour journey or more each way for those of us who live further afield and needs planning. I simply find it discourteous (sorry) to exclude us provincials, not deliberately, I'm sure, but through lack of forethought.
> And if "it was not expected even a few days ago", why do you expect me to be asking about it last week? I don't mind being criticised for many things, but a lack of psychic powers is not one of them.

Oh, stop moaning. There's a reason things happen in London: people live and work there. Things happening in London is not always a grand conspiracy to slight non-Londoners.

Tom Morris

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