On 17 May 2017 at 10:59, John Lubbock <john.lubbock@wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:
Hello Wikimedians, we are just trying to decide on some designs for T shirts to order for the next year and I would like to get some feedback from the community about what kind of designs they would like to see. At the moment we are just doing Wikimedia UK ones, and I've mocked up a couple of options, with the logo either in the centre or as a badge. Please tell me which you prefer, if you'd like to see it in different colours, with a different logo layout (e.g. with Wikimedia UK to the side of the logo rather than underneath) or if you have ideas for different designs. All ideas appreciated.

Looks a bit generic corporate. Where's the humor? The slogans? The references to obscure 60s Sci-fi encyclopedias? 
