I’d just like to give my thanks to the election committee for organising this for us, and I hope the rigour the process achieved will have gone some way to countering the doubts some people had about how representative WMUK could ever be.


Those of us elected have been handed a clear mandate to turn WMUK into an open, transparent and democratic charity as soon as conceivably possible, something I for one am determined to see happen. I urge the future members of WMUK to hold a (metaphorical) whip over me and the rest of the board to keep things moving and to make sure we don’t stray from what we’ve been elected to do.


We are very much only a temporary board, and I hope that all of those who stood this time will stand again in the “official” elections which will hopefully come in the next few months. I also hope that those who have been instrumental in getting us this far (not least Tango) will continue to help as actively as they have up to now.


I should also add a brief apology: I’ve been in crunch with a paper since getting back from holidays so I haven’t been around as much as I might have been, so sorry! I’ve been continuing slowly at least with Wikimania stuff and have a few new open leads, however in the next few weeks I’ll be both ramping up my efforts on it and making a more concerted effort to assign jobs to particular people.


May I suggest that we have our first open board meeting at 8PM tonight (Tuesday) on IRC to discuss who’s doing which of the initial tasks.




From: wikimediauk-l-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org [mailto:wikimediauk-l-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of joseph seddon
Sent: 30 September 2008 00:50
To: foundation-l@lists.wikimedia.org; wikimediauk-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: [Wikimediauk-l] Results of Wikimedia UK board election


On behalf of British community and the election committee, I would like to thank all those who participated
in this election.  The committee apologises for the delay in getting these results out. Internet access and real
life resulted in time not being readily available this weekend and hence the lateness. In total, 27 members of the
British community voted in the election, therefore, to reach the 50% requirement, 14 votes in favour of a candidate
were required. 
5 candidates will head the initial board for Wikimedia UK and be responsible for its set up. Due to only 5 candidates
reaching the required 50% vote the board the board will consist of those people. The board members are as follows:
Mike Peel.
I would like to wish the best of luck to all those who will be responsible, whether board members or not, for making
Wikimedia UK a fully functional and successful chapter . In time, feedback will be passed onto the board before the
next elections to hopefully improve this process.
User:Seddon @ en:wiki
Election committee

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