ORG at
the Party Conferences
ORG will be working with Big Brother Watch to discuss the Communications Data Bill at the party conferences.
Liberal Democrat Party Conference, Brighton
25th September 2012, The Grand, Alexandra, 18.15-19.30.
Nick Pickles, Director, Big Brother Watch (Chair)
Jim Killock, Executive Director, the Open Rights Group
Mike Pack (Editor, LD Voice)
Jenny Woods
Greg Mulholland MP (TBC)
Labour Party Conference, Manchester
1 October, Central 3, 2.30pm – 3.30pm
Nick Pickles, Director, Big Brother Watch (Chair)
Jim Killock, Executive Director, the Open Rights Group
Stella Creasy MP
Chris Bryant MP
Mike Harris, Head of Advocacy, Index on Censorship
ORG meetings
24 September 19.00
Focusing on spreading the word about the Open Rights Group / Big Brother Watch event for Labour delegates.
36 Charles Street, Manchester
13 September 19.00
First meeting for ORG Brighton, discussing the Lib Dem conference
The Royal Sovereign, 66 Preston Street
13 September 18.45
Erica Packington will be facilitating a discussion on whether technology is morally neutral
The Workstation, S1 2BX Sheffield
UK Open Government Partnership (OGP) Civil Society Network meeting, London
11 October
ORG is helping to
organise an event to explore civil society perspectives on how the UK should use its current global leadership role within the Open Government Partnership.
Internet Governance Forum, Baku, Azerbaijan
6-9 November
ORG is
organising a workshop on Open Data at the IFG where Javier Ruiz will be speaking about the implications for citizens and Jim will be moderating the panel.