Dear Jon Davies, here's your newsletter from the frontline of digital rights: defending and promoting citizens' rights in the digital age

Adult content blocking

We would like to thank ORG supporters for the high quality of responses you sent as evidence to the consultation on default blocking. Do let us know if you hear any response from your MP. The proposal of network level filtering would be mass censorship in the misguided name of ‘protecting the children’.

Our evidence shows that it would be ineffective, give parents a false sense of security and block the wrong content: health, bars, clubs and community sites could all be blocked. We will continue to fight against an infrastructure of online censorship.

The consultation has now closed.

Snoopers' Charter

The draft Communications Data Bill contains plans to install blanket tracking, storing and surveillance of all citizens’ online communications. This data gathering assumes guilt, has massive privacy implications and ultimately will be easily evaded by criminals.

We have presented these arguments to the joint committee alongside Big Brother Watch, Justice and Liberty. They have received a huge volume of responses – many from ORG supporters and human rights defenders.

On Wednesday the committee heard from Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder, who said he would encrypt all connections with Britain if this shambolic plan came into law. With this weight of critical evidence the committee must be feeling sceptical about the worth of the Communications Data Bill.

But it's not over yet. You can write a personal letter to your MP here

Notice and Takedown

The European Commission has held a consultation on how illegal content is dealt with by online intermediaries like social networks and search engines. Central to this is 'notice and action' (N&A), where a hosting provider is notified about some apparently illegal content and then takes action to deal with it.

We are concerned about N&A lacking due process and allowing abuse of process and powers, leading to legal content being removed on the basis of mere allegations. N&A procedures are crucial to questions of freedom of expression online. The removal of legal content threatens the right to receive and impart information.

ORG submitted our response to this questionnaire yesterday.


Alongside our main website ORG run a magazine for discussion and debate on digital rights issues. In the past month on ORGzine we have had a two part interview with the founder of crowd funding platform SciFund Challenge, discussion on Is Hacktivism a Genuine Form of Protest and a piece on Open Culture vs Closed Platforms and why it is important to preserve fandom and fan-fiction.

New writers and discussion are always welcome. If you have an idea for a topic or want to write, get in touch with our Editor, on

New ORG Groups

There are regular meet ups for ORG members in London, Sheffield and Manchester. New groups have been set up in Brighton and the North East (@ORGNorthEast), with Brighton’s first meeting tomorrow. Would you like to set one up? Email us if you want to help build ORG's movement in your area!

You're not alone.

Without your donations, we would not be able to continue our campaigns. That's why we would like to ask you for to support us against government and corporate actions limiting your digital rights. Please join today!

ORG at
the Party Conferences

ORG will be working with Big Brother Watch to discuss the Communications Data Bill at the party conferences.

Liberal Democrat Party Conference, Brighton

25th September 2012, The Grand, Alexandra, 18.15-19.30.


Nick Pickles, Director, Big Brother Watch (Chair)

Jim Killock, Executive Director, the Open Rights Group

Mike Pack (Editor, LD Voice)

Jenny Woods

Greg Mulholland MP (TBC)


Labour Party Conference, Manchester

1 October, Central 3, 2.30pm – 3.30pm


Nick Pickles, Director, Big Brother Watch (Chair)

Jim Killock, Executive Director, the Open Rights Group

Stella Creasy MP

Chris Bryant MP

Mike Harris, Head of Advocacy, Index on Censorship


ORG meetings

24 September 19.00

Focusing on spreading the word about the Open Rights Group / Big Brother Watch event for Labour delegates.

36 Charles Street, Manchester


13 September 19.00

First meeting for ORG Brighton, discussing the Lib Dem conference

The Royal Sovereign, 66 Preston Street


13 September 18.45

Erica Packington will be facilitating a discussion on whether technology is morally neutral

The Workstation, S1 2BX Sheffield

UK Open Government Partnership (OGP) Civil Society Network meeting, London
11 October

ORG is helping to organise an event to explore civil society perspectives on how the UK should use its current global leadership role within the Open Government Partnership.


Internet Governance Forum, Baku, Azerbaijan 6-9 November

ORG is organising a workshop on Open Data at the IFG where Javier Ruiz will be speaking about the implications for citizens and Jim will be moderating the panel.


Contents CC-BY-SA Open Rights Group 2011  
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We need your help to fight for your rights and to keep the web open and free.

Jon Davies - Chief Executive Wikimedia UK.  Mobile (0044) 7803 505 169
tweet @jonatreesdavies

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