Hi there!  Scotland Programme Coordinator here, I'm sorry I missed this, I'm just back from annual leave.  Feel free to give me a shout direct about anything Scotland-related in future, and we do also have the ScotWiki mailing list, in case that's helpful - sign up link and more info here: https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Wikimedia_in_Scotland

All the best, 

On Thu, 27 Oct 2022 at 21:15, Željko Blaće <zblace@mi2.hr> wrote:
Dear UK Wikimedians,
I am visiting UK briefly and attending LGBT+ sport events:

#1 right now

#2 tomorrow

#3 and in the next few days their retreat at Pitlochry...
while trying to map out some LGBT+info on Wikimedia,
as well as get LGBT+ sport activists enthusiastic over Wikimedia
as I did on a few occasions before https://youtu.be/2o6s7nZFCTM?t=9277

If anyone is interested in this topic, or just can stop by and help
tomorrow in Glasgow, Pitlochry on the weekend or
in the future please do let me know.

Best Wishes - Z. Blace / Users:Zblace
co-organizer of Queering Wikipedia, CEE Hub, CEE Spring,
#exPatYUGOdiasporas, HrW initiative and Open GLAM Croatia
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

Dr Sara Thomas
Scotland Programme Coordinator, Wikimedia UK
07803 505 172

I work part time, my usual days are Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.

Wikimedia UK is the national chapter for the global Wikimedia open knowledge movement. 

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Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects). 

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