It would be... tricky to get the idea past the community on Wikipedia, though, would it not? I know a good few administrators who delete any paid articles on sight.

Richard Symonds
Wikimedia UK
0207 065 0992

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On 3 October 2012 12:07, Thomas Dalton <> wrote:
The idea of setting up some kind of social enterprise is a very
interesting one. One other service it could sell, somewhat more
controversially, is advice on dealing with problems with Wikipedia
articles. I think it is clear that just letting OTRS handle it doesn't
really work and people need more support than just an email address
they can send things to and get back a lecture on Wikipedia policy and
procedure, and judging by the number of attempts we see at setting up
for-profit consultancy services for this, it would appear there is a
market. (I think there is probably a market of companies and
individuals that would be happier paying even if they could get the
same thing done for free, just because they feel more confident in a
paid service.)

It would be better for a social enterprise of Wikimedians to be
providing that paid consultancy than some of the other people trying
to offer such services. I did try and draw up a rough business plan
for such a consultancy, and I think it could turn a profit. The big
unknowns were how much we could charge (I used some PR consultancy
chargeout rates I found online as a rough estimate) and how much
non-chargable work would be required in order to attract business (if
we get people just knocking on the door without any reals sales work
required, then it would easily be profitable).

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