On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton@gmail.com> wrote:
2009/1/15 Ian A. Holton <poeloq@gmail.com>:
>> "Following complaints that its child-porn blacklist has led multiple
>> British ISPs to censor innocuous content on the Internet Archive's Wayback
>> Machine, the Internet Watch Foundation has confirmed the blacklist contains
>> images housed by the 85-billion-page web history database."
> ( http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/01/14/iwf_details_archive_blacklisting/
> )
> It's not only use being bad then :)

Obviously, blocking the whole site is unacceptable and is probably due
to technical incompetence on the parts of either the IWF or ISPs (or
both). However, it wouldn't surprise me if the Internet Archive
contains child-porn - it's generated automatically, isn't it? If the
internet contains child-porn, then so will an archive of it. I'm not
really sure what the best course of action for the IA is, but they do
need to do something to minimise the risk of illegal images being

Tesco (NTL) isn't blocked from archive.org. I just checked.
