Copy of a message I've sent to the other chapters - I'll let you know what response I get!
Andrew ----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Andrew Turvey <>
Sent: Friday, 16 January, 2009 13:40:04
Subject: Help needed - job spec for
Chapter Board members
Hi all,We're currently organising the first AGM for Wikimedia UK and we're looking at ways of encouraging people to stand as candidates for the chapter Board.One bit of feedback that I've had is that people would be more likely to stand if they had a better idea of what the role required.Could I ask what the experience of other chapters is on this: what kind of work do you normally expect from your Board members? How often do you
have meetings, in person and remotely, how long do they last and how much work would an ordinary Board member or an officer (e.g. Secretary, Chair, Treasurer) typically do?Thanks for your feedback on this.Regards,
Andrew TurveySecretary
Wikimedia UK
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