Hello all, I've been thinking about how WMUK can communicate better with our community and let Wikimedians communicate with each other. I've heard from some community members that they were a little disappointed that people were no longer using the Water Cooler page for discussions.
I'd like to propose some different options and ask if you have any other suggestions about how you'd like to communicate with us and others in the community. So I've put a
poll on Twitter with some options for communications channels. I couldn't put more than four options, so I chose Facebook, the Water Cooler, Slack and the Mailing List.
I'd really appreciate if you could take the time to vote which one you'd prefer or reply here or to the Tweet with any other suggestions for how you'd like to communicate with us.
What I'm really keen to communicate are the opportunities for our community to engage with us, propose projects, receive funding and other assistance from WMUK. To this end, it would be good to have an open channel or discussion group of some kind where we can respond to your ideas and allow you to ask us questions about our work. We'd like to be as open as the knowledge we promote, so please let us know your views about how we can do that better.
Have a great weekend!
John Lubbock
Communications Coordinator
Wikimedia UK