Chris (and all),

Good reminder :) I forgot to submit a proxy....

Unfortunately, after a good time last time, I won't be able to make it at the weekend due to sudden commitments.

Have a good one!


On 13 October 2011 23:45, Chris Keating <> wrote:
Just a reminder about the EGM on Sunday;

If everyone who's signed up comes along then we will (just) be quorate - so if you've signed up, please do come - if you haven't then please either appoint a proxy, or just turn up ;)

There was some debate over the fact that the resolution allows "minor changes" to the proposed Object without a further EGM. We are now confident that no such "minor changes" will be necessary - I'll leave others to go into that in more depth though - and there will be a full update on the progress of the charity application at the EGM, along with news from Jon about our office :-)


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