As you all may or may not be aware, WMUK are going to be having elections to form
an interim board, to run WMUK and be responsible for the running of the until the
time that the company is formed. Until now, the elections have mostly been arranged
by those participating in them, and i feel that this is not particularly a good thing
and I wanted to improve the legitimacy of these elections. Following separate
discussions with Cary Bass and Tom Dalton the idea that I would like to propose is to
have what is effectively an election committee designed to oversee the running of
the WMUK elections. The proposed make up of this board is as follows, two
representatives from the UK, one person from ChapCom and one from the foundation
board, however any of those numbers and where the members are sourced from
can change if a consensus for it exists.

The role of this committee would be to oversee the elections, ranging from deciding
the timetable of events, overseeing the voting stages including the methods and
medium the voting will take place in and finally the verifying and announcement of
the results. I hope that this would allow the UK board an amount of legitimacy in the
running of WMUK in the eyes of the UK community and also the foundation. 
If the UK community has no issues I would like to offer my services to organise this.

Comments would be grateful.

User:Seddon @ en-wiki

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