Could we do a project to try and get a video of every vertebrate
endemic to the UK walking, flying swimming, slivering or whatever it
does (is locomoting the general term?)? Something like geograph but
with animals rather than map squares.
Things that we would need. A list of every animal endemic to the UK
and some way of keeping track of uploads. Wikipedia has a fairly
decent set of lists starting here: Vertebrates
Things that would be useful:
Talks on transcoding. How to get the video from your phone or camera
to wikipedia with the best results (VLC ffmpeg2theora)
Talks on how to record decent videos. To an extent with photos you can
take a dozen pics and get a good one through shear luck. Harder to do
with video.
Info from the RSPB and the like on how to record videos responsibly
A page to list publicly accessible bird hides and the like.
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