
I think Alison has explained what she meant by that comment: the intention of her Foundation-l comment was that she held concerns a new WER board being "under the cloud of the previous (less successful) board," as opposed to her not trusting the new board and therefore not supporting their replacing her.

At least, that's what I hope it meant. Alternative interpretations are a little more concerning: one would hope that the current board would hold enough trust in the wider WMUK community for them to support members from that community replacing them at the next election.

2008/9/5 Thomas Dalton <>
2008/9/5 Alison Wheeler <>:
> On Thu, September 4, 2008 22:45, Thomas Dalton wrote:
>> Alison doesn't trust us and we don't trust Alison, so it's easiest to
>> just start over.
> With comments like that I don't need enemies!
> However, the real reason I have proposed to not try and keep WER Ltd going
> (as, indeed, I have already pointed out previously) is that its history
> over the past 2½ years would almost certainly prove a millstone around the
> necks of anyone trying to start a new organisation. This has nothing to do
> with whatever I may or may not think of the people who have so far
> suggested they want to be involved (my thoughts on which will not be made
> public)

You've already made your thoughts on that public - try to keep up!
Remember this comment on foundation-l?

"I have concluded
*for myself* that it is in the best interests of WMUK and of the Company
of which I am a Director (and would, like the other Directors over the
years, continue to retain a liability for the actions of for a period
after retiring/resigning) that WER is dissolved rather than 'handed over'
to a bunch of people who have not demonstrated any possibility of being
suitably qualified."