Dear all

Many thanks to those of you who attended Wikimedia UK's online AGM yesterday. For those who weren't there, I wanted to let you know that the following three candidates received the most votes in the trustee election and will therefore be appointed (or in Rod's case, reappointed) to the board:

Caroline Ball
Julian Akodoye Manieson
Rod Ward

With huge thanks to all six candidates who put themselves forward for the board of trustees this year. 

At the meeting, Nick Poole also announced that following his departure from the board (at the end of the meeting, which marked six years since he was elected as a trustee), Lorna Campbell would be stepping in as Interim Chair until October. Nick also welcomed our new co-opted trustee and Chair Elect, Monisha Shah (who introduced herself to the meeting). 

The four resolutions proposed by the board were unanimously supported. 

I will be in touch separately about the Wikimedian of the Year awards and Honorary Memberships, however I wanted to update you as soon as possible about the outcome of the trustee election and our Chair Elect. 

Best wishes

Lucy Crompton-Reid

Chief Executive

Wikimedia UK is the national chapter for the global Wikimedia open knowledge movement. 

Wikimedia UK is a Registered Charity No.1144513.Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, Registered No. 6741827.

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