Dear all,

Just to keep you up to date about our co-options process!

As you will probably know, we have a total of five vacant seats for the Board at the moment, and we are in the process of filling them.

There are the three "co-opted" seats which were created at the AGM in June. We are aiming to make some decisions on these in the next few weeks. For these we have already advertised and had some informal "getting to know you" conversations with prospective Trustees from a range of backgrounds, and we are just about to do some more formal interviews. 

One way you can input into this process is to help us draft interview questions, please have a look here at what we are planning to ask, and add your thoughts...

There are also two vacant seats from those elected at the AGM, which will take a little longer to fill but we definitely wish to fill before the December Board meeting. We are particularly keen that these seats are filled by people with a strong knowledge of the Wikimedia community - if you are reading this and thinking "yes, being a Wikimedia UK trustee sounds really interesting", please do drop me a line.  You can find out more about this extremely rewarding role on our wiki, here:
and about what we're looking for form our Board, here:

Many thanks,
