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From: Ed Parkes [mailto:Ed.Parkes@nesta.org.uk]
Sent: 11 September 2014 15:46
Subject: Heritage and Culture Open Data Challenge - Invite for ALBs to Roundtable and Workshop (9th & 20th October)




Thanks very much for having us along to the recent Open Data Forum with the ALBs. Briony felt the session went well and has heard from a couple of the attendees already. At the meeting, she mentioned that you offered to send out an invitation to the ALBs for two forthcoming events - which will both help us design the challenge question for the Heritage and Culture challenge. I wonder whether you would be able to send the following information on in the next couple of days and encourage relevant colleagues to sign up to attend through Eventbrite? We’re really keen to get engagement from a wide number of Heritage and Culture organisations as possible and your help here would be greatly appreciated. We’d also appreciate your presence at one or both of the meetings as well!

The Heritage and Culture Open Data Challenge is the 6th Challenge in the Open Data Challenge Series and will help support innovators to use open data to help solve a challenge in the area of Heritage and Culture. Offering a £40,000 grand prize, we will set a specific challenge question drawing on the experience and knowledge of people working within the sector. We’re hoping to build on related activity in this sector undertaken both by ODI and Nesta (e.g. Digital R&D fund, Data as Culture) as well as work happening elsewhere. Bringing organisations from the Heritage and Culture sectors will also hopefully bring a new lens to shared interests and user needs. At this stage in our initial exploration of the challenge, we have two opportunities firstly for us to be clearer about what issue to focus the challenge question on and secondly to start to develop a bank of relevant open data from the sector: 

Organisation and User Needs Roundtable - 9th October at 10:00 – 12:00 at Nesta, 1 Plough Place, London EC4A 1DE

We’d like to invite relevant DCMS ALB stakeholders to a roundtable workshop on 9th October to help us shape our Heritage and Culture Open Data Challenge. The Roundtable Discussion is on 9th October at 10:00 – 12:00 at Nesta, 1 Plough Place, London EC4A 1DE. Please sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/heritage-culture-open-data-challenge-roundtable-tickets-12969557295    

This roundtable workshop is part of the process leading up to our Challenge Definition Day and is an opportunity for us to more broadly understand the issues across the sector. The aims of the roundtable are:

·         Explore the broad needs of organisations

·         Explore the key needs of users  

This will  help us more clearly target our challenge on an topic which is of most relevance and is likely to have a substantial social impact, whilst not being distracted by the data that is currently available. We are inviting key stakeholders in the area as well as relevant contacts in government to discuss the issues and we’d be delighted if you would attend. We are organising a separate workshop at the ODI for relevant data publishers to explore the data that is available in this area (see below) and so this roundtable will not include a discussion on data.

Data Workshop - 21st October at 14:00 - 16:00 at The Open Data Institute, 3rd floor, 65 Clifton Street, EC2A 4JE

Over the coming weeks, we will compile a bank of open data related to heritage and culture. This bank of open data will form the main 'raw material' for the challenge and will be drawn from data.gov.uk, individual organisation websites and personal recommendations. Once the data is compiled, the session on 21st October will explain how we have rated the data, how it will be used in the challenge and will give data publishers some pointers on how they could improve the quality and rating of their open data.


This session is designed to be practical - particularly for those people in relevant organisations who work directly with the data, preparing it to be shared. After the session, we hope to build ongoing relationships with data owners to ensure the improvements made to the data continue to be shared with potential participants in the challenge and to enable them, as data owners to have oversight of the ways in which their data is being used. We would be keen for relevant stakeholders from DCMS ALBs to attend this workshop. Please sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/heritage-culture-open-data-challenge-data-workshop-tickets-12969683673


In readiness for this session, please email briony.phillips@theodi.org if you have a specific dataset that you would like to be highlighted in the challenge guide.

Many thanks in advance


Ed Parkes | Senior Programme Manager - Open Data | Nesta | m: +44(0)7792 303 486 | @edtparkes




For more information about the Open Data Challenges please follow us on Twitter - @odchallenges – or check out http://www.nesta.org.uk/open-data-challenge-series



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