See if this helps any:


On 1 July 2014 20:47, Charles Matthews <> wrote:
On 1 July 2014 19:22, Andy Mabbett <> wrote:
On 1 July 2014 18:45, HJ Mitchell <> wrote:

> I agree that other projects should be considered,
> as useful background if nothing else


> but quibbling over details of the past isn't going to
> help the discussion move forward for the benefit
> of the *future* of these projects.

I do not believe that reiterating my objection to past good work, by
me and others, being written out of the chapter's history is
"quibbling", much less "over details".

Hmm, I recall an earlier thread on this list which was pretty much devoted to contention over how the history of Wikipedians in residence got written. This thread is intended to help a staff member do her job.

It would be a shame, certainly, if WiRs became one of those "don't bring that up again" topics. 


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