> I assume Fae has mentioned to you that the National Archives of Scotland
> might be interested in doing something around soldiers' wills?

Chris and I briefly discussed it. As a project this is unlikely to kick off until next year (well after the fund raiser). However, NAS could be a very interesting early project and of significant public interest. The question is more about finding 3 or 4 volunteers in Scotland interested in helping, possibly with the support of a wider international e-volunteer community (such as me).

Soldiers' wills was not the only idea from the NAS and much as the British Museum and British Library has been working out, such a popular starting project would attract longer term NAS enthusiasts as a core team to self-organize.

The challenge here is not funding from Wikimedia or enthusiasm from the NAS, but attracting Wikimedians in Scotland to have a crack at real life collaboration.
