A save the date for your calendar - on Sunday 26th November, we’d like to present the Wikimedia UK 2023 Community Meeting.
We’re aiming for this online event to be a celebration of what our community has achieved in the last year, a recognition of that work through the Wikimedian of the Year awards, and an invitation to get involved with new and existing activities through an Opportunities Fair.
And on the theme of celebration: at the event, we’d like to showcase work that community members have been doing over the last while through a set of lightning talks. We’d really like to hear about that which we, or other community members might not have heard about. It’s often the case that there’s a huge amount of work done by Wikimedians that others just don’t see. So this is an invitation to tell us about what you’ve been editing, in a short presentation - strictly 5 minutes or less.
Have you done interesting things with a dataset on Wikidata? Maybe you’ve finally managed to track down a source to fix that article you’ve had your eye on for the last two months? Did your work on a Wikipedia article lead you to discover a really interesting story? Did you manage to get an openly licensed image that’s transformed an article?
… and crucially, would you like to share your story? If you’d like to present something, please email me at sara.thomas@wikimedia.org.uk off-list and let's have a chat.
(If you’re uncomfortable with public speaking, please do still get in touch and we can talk about options! Maybe we can do a slideshow, or record an interview, or put a short video together. Ideally we'd like to prioritise the voices of the volunteer community over those of staff members, but we're happy to help if we can.)
Wikimedia UK is the national chapter for the global Wikimedia open knowledge movement.
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Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).
Wikimedia UK is an independent non-profit charity with no legal control over Wikipedia nor responsibility for its contents.