Count me in, for a start!

Richard Symonds
Wikimedia UK
0207 065 0992

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On 11 February 2013 17:19, Andrew Gray <> wrote:
Hi all,

As some of you may know, I've been working on a project part-funded by
WMUK to digitise and release a collection of historic Canadian
photographs. After some work, we are now at a state where the metadata
is at a high level of quality, and the glorious high-resolution TIFFs
are piling up - there's currently about 2,000 waiting to go, and more
are going to roll in. It's all very exciting, and I'm really looking
forward to a big announcement once we've got them all on Commons.

Unfortunately, they all look like this:,_D._Legault,_de_Montreal_%28HS85-10-13348%29.tif

and in terms of being useful on Commons, it would be good if we could
offer this:,_D._Legault,_de_Montreal_%28HS85-10-13348%29.jpg

Rather than a couple of us spend hours every day for a month working
on these, we thought we might try and do it in one go - I'm currently
seeing if I can get a room at the British Library one afternoon, set
up some laptops, bring in some coffee and sandwiches, and have a shot
at breaking through the entire collection. Having a group of people
look at the images also means we'll have more eyes looking out for
interesting things, which can only be a bonus :-)

We don't have a date yet, but tentatively we're thinking early/mid
March. If anyone would be interested, in coming along, do let me know,
and I'll be in touch once we've got fimer plans...

- Andrew Gray

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