If someone makes a mistake when putting content into the new website, then that mistake will remain for longer as volunteers won't be able to fix it. On the other hand, a wiki isn't a great primary website for an organisation, and WMUK should gain a lot from having a website that's easier to navigate and use.

Whether this tradeoff is worth it or not depends on the structure of WMUK's plans and how much the website and wiki are used in conjunction with each other, so I think there's insufficient information to draw a conclusion either way at this stage.


On 8 June 2014 09:58, Fæ <faewik@gmail.com> wrote:
Do any fellow unpaid volunteers have a view on the changeover of the
charity from using the volunteer controlled wiki as a front end, to
using a fixed employee controlled website?

I feel this will be the end of the UK wiki in terms of being a public
landing site with immediate engagement with fellow volunteers.
Instead, we will have a public relations website subject to control by
the Chief Executive, presumably full of good news, and hidden behind
it will be the UK wiki, now acting only as a forum rather than a space
where volunteers could create pages that support fund-raisers, openly
discuss real issues, problems and so forth.

As a community of volunteers, we seem to have let the charity
gradually drift away from being volunteer driven and volunteer centric
and become overly sensitive to public relations. I am not sure why we
let that happen.


faewik@gmail.com https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Fae

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