On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 6:25 PM, Michael Peel <email@mikepeel.net> wrote:
> Which brings me to the second point - which is to ask whether
> Wikimedia UK could support such locally-based activities by, for
> example, hosting a mailing list, wiki, and/or other webspace? It
> seems to me to be well within WMUK's remit - but I'd like to hear
> what other people on this list think.

One possibility is that, once we have a wiki set up, part of it could
be used for MFCG, similar to how Wikimedia UK is currently hosted on
part of the meta wiki. Would that be adequate for your purposes? It
would obviously have to be approved in a board meeting if it was.

Alternatively, as Mark says, ask around. I also have spare webspace,
which it might be possible for MFCG to use.


Thanks for this, Mike. I'm still looking into what I can arrange on my own bat (or with help!) - and a big consideration for me right now is to have something in place soon, so I can at least point people to a place they can get more information or be kept in the loop. But, whatever hosting arrangements we work out, I certainly want to sustain links between this local initiative, and the wider one of WMUK.
