2008/7/13 Tom Holden <thomas.holden@gmail.com>:
I've just fired off an e-mail to the most enthusiastic person in the OII to
see what his thoughts are. I'll wait to hear back from him before contacting
Balliol's master though as he's not someone we can really get away with
messing around.

I'm also going to send off a "will you sponsor us" e-mail to a contact I
have at Torchbox, an Oxfordshire web-design for charities company. They
sponsor the Oxford Geek Nights events so I'm optimistic they'll be
persuadable to sponsor this.

What are people's thoughts on recruiting additional people to help with the
bid? I could easily fire off a few e-mails to student mailing lists I'm on
and would probably get some response. Do you have strong "if they don't care
enough about wikis to be on this mailing list..." or "too many cooks"


Well additional Wiki*edians would be nice :) I have asked people to sign up to this list (Seddon is one) - I think most people who go to meetups regularly in the UK would be interested. Though I would probably be able to help, and Thomas has said he will. That's at least 3!

Al Tally