David, perhaps (unless the list gets large volumes of spam? In which case it would be impractical) you could set it to email the list admins when an email is received, rather than just once a day when there are pending emails.
Or you and Fae could come to an agreement whereby Fae's could be taken of moderation?
I'll just note that I had not received Fae's email via wikimediauk-l when I checked my emails this morning, which is why I forwarded it for him, and this is precisely the sort of nonsense that puts people off contributing - we can't even just congratulate Joe on being interviewed by Radio 4 without a row about list moderation.
Harry Mitchell
Phone: 024 7698 0977
Skype: harry_j_mitchell
On Sunday, 27 April 2014, 13:09, David Gerard <dgerard@gmail.com> wrote:
On 27 April 2014 12:02, Fæ <
faewik@gmail.com> wrote:
> The time and date "Sat
Apr 26 11:17:59 UTC 2014" was when I sent the
> email, not when it was posted to the list. Could you publish the time
> it was published to the list?
The mod queue emails the mods every morning at 8am UTC; it's attended
to some time after that.