On 23/06/2015 14:38, Fæ wrote:
Catching up on this discussion, but reading through the emails on this community list, nobody has referred to the 12 June members "advance warning" email (marked as "done" on the chapter wiki[1]). This is different to the "notice of AGM" which is due to be emailed to all members on 1 July.
Did the advance warning email happen? Presumably it contains the AGM details and was the advice of the 26 June deadline for member resolutions which Doug flagged in this thread (but not all members of course).
"Having said that, the planning timeline did contain: "12 June - Warning notice transmitted by email - Include deadline for resolutions", which is apparently {{done}}, except the "include deadline for resolutions" has since disappeared from the table. I am assuming Stuart's email [1] to this list (rather than explicitly to all members) stating "the same day as our AGM" is what Michael had in mind when he marked this item as done."