Probably easier to make less bitey if you check that was what I intended to insinuate :)

Volunteers can do things to a very high standard. We definitely have volunteers who have been or are fundraisers and administrators. However, the consequences of mistakes in gift aid claims or stewarding gifts are serious. What I mean about a high standard is that it requires a high level time commitment and focus. So its about availability, not ability per se. I hope that clears up any insinuations.

In my experience the nature of admin tasks (day to day, time limited, serious consequences for error) are poorly suited to what our volunteers have traditionally wanted to do. Can I reiterate: in the past no one wanted to do this. I did ask.

As for how entirely volunteer led and run orgs do it...In my experience working for orgs the involvement of volunteers in back office admin can create issues, requires support (which totally defeats the point of unburdening me and freeing up time), and may not be a like for like comparison in terms of the nature or volume of the work. Still, assuming that you may have examples of excellence do let me know because me and Katy could usefully look at or talk to them.

Anyway - I'm surprised to hear anyone from the community say volunteers should be doing administrative support work. Historically this is more or less the exact opposite of what I've been given to understand. If anyone wants to speak to that point I'd be grateful. 

Katherine Bavage 
Fundraising Manager 
Wikimedia UK
+44 20 7065 0752

Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered Office 4th Floor, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT. United Kingdom. Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).

Wikimedia UK is an independent non-profit charity with no legal control over Wikipedia nor responsibility for its contents.

On 22 July 2014 15:17, Andy Mabbett <> wrote:
On 22 July 2014 14:24, Katherine Bavage
<> wrote:

> The final part is, despite what Andy says, to some
> extent data protection and legal considerations

My comment was "Data protection is not a reason for volunteers not to
undertake a task".

> because the gift aid claims especially contain
> financial info and it is also extremely important they
> are done to a very very high standard.

I'm surprised by the apparent insinuation that volunteers can't work
to a "very very high standard".

One wonders how all the charities who do use volunteers for such tasks
- including those without any paid staff - cope.

[I've tried to find a way to make this email less "bitey", but really,
I can't. Sorry.]

Andy Mabbett

Wikimedia UK mailing list