The thing to remember (and which is easy for Londoners to forget), is that not everybody involved is based in London. With the AGM, there will be a lot of non-London folks in London that weekend who might not want to travel to London for an informal meeting.

I realise that it's a heavy dose of Wikimedia in one weekend, but nobody is under any obligation to attend the AGM, the Wikimania meeting, *and* the meetup.


From: Thomas Dalton <>
To: HJ Mitchell <>;
Sent: Friday, 4 May 2012, 13:28
Subject: Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Wikimania 2014

I think there is a monthly London meetup that afternoon. If we have a
planning meeting that morning, then that is the entire weekend
dedicated to Wikimedia... that might be a bit much for people! I
suggested the afternoon of the 27th May on the meta talk page (I
suggested a pub, but the office is a better idea), I think that's a
better date. The 20th would work too.

While we don't want to wait too long before getting started, I don't
think an extra week or two will hurt.

(I also won't be able to attend on the Sunday you propose, since I'll
be at a wedding the previous day. I don't expect to be a vital part of
the bid, though, so if that day works better for everyone else then go
ahead and meet without me!)

On 4 May 2012 12:45, HJ Mitchell <> wrote:
> Folks,
> Jon has very kindly offered to open up the office the WMUK office on the
> Sunday morning after the AGM (that's the 13th) for a planning meeting to
> discuss a London bid for Wikimania 2014 if there is demand.
> If you're interested in attending the meeting (you won't be committing
> yourself to anything just by attending), please sign up at this
> page:
> If you know of anybody not on this list who might be interested, by all
> means forward this email.
> Further details will be posted when they're known (assuming there is demand
> for such a meeting); any questions in the meantime to me please.
> Sincerely,
> Harry Mitchell
> --
> User:HJ Mitchell
> Skype: harry_j_mitchell
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> Wikimedia UK mailing list