On 11 March 2013 15:46, rexx <rexx@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:You chose to involve lawyers? Thats interesting.
> Firstly, holding our hands up here, we have been relying on pro-bono legal
> advice to do most of the work in getting the full arrangements in place.
> There have been some delays owing to the lawyer concerned having a rush of
> his paid work. We have been holding off saying more until that was signed.
> It is important for everyone concerned, particularly the charity, that we
> get this right.
In the EU under UK loser pays law? Thats novel.
> Secondly - and this scares anyone who understands such things, which doesn't
> include me - there is a issue concerning a possible patent troll that needs
> to be resolved as it could be a risk to the charity. The concerns arising
> here are complicated - it's possible that Saad may be able to say more when
> he gets a chance - and they do need to be properly examined. To complete the
> transfer before doing this I believe would be negligent.
So just turn it off. Worrying about such things is a matter for a later date.
> The technical issues have been addressed so we are ready to move forwards on
> that side of things. There is an concern that has been raised about whether
> the use and storage of information to produce the statistics at
> http://qrpedia.org/stats.php is fully compliant with EU privacy legislation.
> We're seeking advice on whether this is an issue that requires a change in
> the current use of data, but it is expected that agreeing a privacy policy
> and updating our data registration will be enough. Our technical consultants
> are confident they can implement whatever is needed, if required.
So two questionable reasons (getting a lawyer involved in a low value
transfer and a problem that can be delt with by switching a non
critical system off) and one that may be valid but certainly unusual.
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